Essential Ways to Prevent a Sewage Backup
7/8/2020 (Permalink)
A sewage backup is something that no East Texas homeowner wants to experience. Not only can this water be difficult to clean up, but it can also cause lasting damage to your property. While it is possible to repair the damage, it is best to prevent it from occurring in the first place. The following are a few ways that you can do that.
1. Dispose of Items Properly
There are only a select few items that are designed to be flushed down your toilet or poured down your kitchen sink. Disposing of other things in this way can cause a backup. Make sure you are not flushing napkins, paper towels, or other products that do not disintegrate quickly. You should also refrain from pouring grease or food down the drain.
2. Remove Plant Roots
Plants can be drawn to the moisture in your pipes and begin growing their roots there. This can make it difficult for the water to drain, resulting in flooding in your yard or in your home. Check for overgrown roots and remove these when necessary.
3. Unclog Your Drains
If there is nothing on the outside affecting your pipes, then you might simply have a clog. If you cannot identify the source of your backup, this is likely the case. Use chemical cleaners or a plumbing snake to remove anything that may be blocking the pipes.
4. Maintain Pipes Regularly
Storm damage, plants, and aging can result in your pipes not performing as well as they should. If your pipes are broken or blocked, water will not be able to move through them efficiently. In some cases, repairs can be done, but your pipes may need to be replaced depending on their type and age as well as the severity of the damage.
If clogged or broken pipes result in water overflowing into your bathroom or kitchen, you may need to have sewer cleaning done by a professional. A cleanup and restoration company can remove water and can make repairs to return your home to its previous condition.